Sunday, March 30, 2014

Offense Techinique Part 2 and the Internet Forums

Running Backs

Being that I have never tried to play this position, I already knew about most of the basics.  There are two different positions that make up the running backs, the halfback and fullback.  The halfback (tailback) is the back who is usually the ball carrier.  They tend to be faster than the fullback and are expected to use their quickness and speed to gain yardage.  The fullback is usually bigger and slower than the halfback,but their main functions are to run block and carry the ball in short yardage situations.  The course did not get into specifics about carrying the ball, but it did instruct on basic aspects of the position such as stances, taking handoffs, and pass catching.

There are two stances for the position.  The halfback is usually in the 2-point stance, feet should width apart with their hands placed on the thighs.  The three point stance is where the feet are the same as the 2-point stance, but one of the hands is place on the ground in front of them.  The hand-off technique has not change other than many systems now have plays where the running back gets the ball directed snapped to them by a the center. (Wildcat)  When the quarterback hands the ball off, the running back's inside arm and hand is placed across the chest while the outside arm and hand come across the stomach to create a pocket for the ball between the arms.  The image below demonstrates this process.
Now as for my other resource, the internet forums, I have gone from a purely reader to a creator of threads where I posted this thread: "I am a just finishing my credentialing program and I am in the process of filling out applications.  Now I know that many schools would prefer to have teacher coaches over walk-ons, but I lack experience coaching any sport at the high school level.  My question is how do I approach the topic in my interview if my preferred coaching job is football?  I played a couple of years in high school but was never the starter, but I have always followed the game I think I have a pretty good understanding of the game.  My only coaching experience is coaching my two sons' Pony baseball teams.  What kind of things I can I do now on my own to learn the coaching aspect better that would help me in an interview.  Any pointers is appreciated."

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Better Late than Never

I have had a rough week and a half where I have regrettably have pushed this project off to the side due more pressing (less fun) commitments I had.  Ok, I am now 55% through the NFHS course and completed the entire 3rd unit that discussed basic offensive team skills.  Going by the position sets, not a whole lot has changed.  Lets start with the quarterback skills;

The center to QB snap is one of the most important skills for the position.  Now I know by watching a few high school football games these past few years that taking the snap from under center is a rariety, but I think is important for a QB (and center) to be able to handle both type of snaps because it makes the offense more versitile.  A QB can get rid of a ball much quicker under center.  Watch this video as an example:

As you can see with a one step drop, the QB has the option of throwing a quick pass.

Here is a demonstration for a quick pass using a 3 step drop.

Now don't get me wrong, I believe there is a place for the shotgun snap.  It may be necessary to the abilites of the quarterback and what the opposing defense is doing.  If your QB is like another RB that can move the ball with his feet, then the shotgun might be suited for him.  If the defense is getting good pressure, the shotgun gives the QB more time to throw as shown by this last video.

There is a lot more to the quarterback position but most of those skills such as throwing is still the same as when I played.  So I wanted to focus on some of the trends that have past me by and discover for myself why so many schools' offenses are built from the shotgun.

Here is a forum I found that discusses this very thing:  shotgun vs center snap

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Reality has change since I played.

So I completed the second unit which focused on two components of the sport; catching and tackling.  I have really never seen football broken done to those skills, but as I thought about more and more, I came to the conclusion on its accuracy.  As for catching, nothing has really changed since my playing days.  If the ball is at your numbers or higher, you position your hands so the thumbs are touching and fingers are spread apart.  Then you look the ball into hands in front of you.  Pretty the way it has always been.  Now for the apocalypse, wrapping up is no longer the proper form of tackling.  It used to be keep your head up, wrap your arms around the ball carrier and drive your legs.

Not all the elements of the proper tackle have change.  For example, you still have to shuffle your feet until contact so you can react to the change in direction of the ball carrier.  You still thrust your hips through the tackle.  But now instead of wrapping up, you rip.  Ripping is essentially two uppercuts underneath the ball carrier's pads and exploding through the tackle.  The video below shows how it is supposed to be done now in order to minimize the risk of injury.

Now as far as my learning through my community at I have to admit that I have been slacking.  I have been reading through the forums and have gotten valuable information, but I have yet to participate past the point of just introducing myself.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Joining a Community

The last time I talked about the online course I am taking and that is going pretty well.  I am half through the second unit.  What I am really excited about now is that I have joined an online community coaches that has provided multiply opportunities for me on my learning journey.  The website is called where coaches all over the country come to discuss football.  Of course much of it is the x's and o's of the game, but there are a lot other interesting topics that will help me as well.  There are forums on actual coaching scenarios outside of the game that coaches are experiencing where they ask the community for their input.  I spent a good amount of time reading the general forums on coaching jobs and how to interview.  My goal now is to find some people in the same boat as me in my area who wants to learn how to coach.