Sunday, March 9, 2014

Reality has change since I played.

So I completed the second unit which focused on two components of the sport; catching and tackling.  I have really never seen football broken done to those skills, but as I thought about more and more, I came to the conclusion on its accuracy.  As for catching, nothing has really changed since my playing days.  If the ball is at your numbers or higher, you position your hands so the thumbs are touching and fingers are spread apart.  Then you look the ball into hands in front of you.  Pretty the way it has always been.  Now for the apocalypse, wrapping up is no longer the proper form of tackling.  It used to be keep your head up, wrap your arms around the ball carrier and drive your legs.

Not all the elements of the proper tackle have change.  For example, you still have to shuffle your feet until contact so you can react to the change in direction of the ball carrier.  You still thrust your hips through the tackle.  But now instead of wrapping up, you rip.  Ripping is essentially two uppercuts underneath the ball carrier's pads and exploding through the tackle.  The video below shows how it is supposed to be done now in order to minimize the risk of injury.

Now as far as my learning through my community at I have to admit that I have been slacking.  I have been reading through the forums and have gotten valuable information, but I have yet to participate past the point of just introducing myself.

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